Since late in 2023 the EU rules have changed is rules regarding VAT and import of good from outside the EU. Consequently, some members have been asked to pay VAT and handling charges to receive their magazines. The application of the revised VAT rules and handling charges has not been uniform or consistent across the EU or even with states.
Air-Britain has been looking at ways to work within the new rules and to alleviate the cost to you of any additional charges this year. Air-Britain has now joined the EUs Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) scheme which means that Air-Britain pays the VAT centrally and that you should not have to pay the VAT or handling charges on your magazines.
For the April edition of Air-Britain News and the recently posted Spring edition of Aviation World the IOSS arrangements have applied. To date we have no reports of additional costs being sought for theses deliveries, so we are hopeful the IOSS scheme is now working as it should.
So that we did not have to raise membership fees this year Air-Britain will cover the new VAT costs until the end your current membership period. However, we will need to look to see how IOSS and VAT costs are built in to future membership rates.